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Vietnamese Youth and Student Association
Term 2024
Sponsoring Unit
Embassy of Vietnam in Japan

Sponsor of the year

Sponsor posting

Events of the year
VYSA School Fair
The event provides detailed information about Japanese universities and vocational schools for Vietnamese students. Support students to find the right school for themselves.
Tháng 12
Sponsorship Exchange
The event is for VYSA Kanto to express gratitude to companies and organizations that have supported the association, and is also a place for companies and organizations to interact with VYSA Kanto members.
VYSA Job Fair
This is an annual event, a meeting place for companies in need of Vietnamese human resources and Vietnamese students living in Japan.

Đại hội VYSA
Sự kiện tổng kết một năm hoạt động của tổ chức, tổng kết nhiệm kỳ cũ và giới thiệu Ban chấp hành nhiệm kỳ mới
(next year)
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